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Good News: Purchase Fred Hutch vanity plates to help drive cancer research
Celebrating faculty and staff achievements

Fred Hutch epidemiologists receive $2.5M grant for first-ever study of therapeutic use for HPV vaccine
Could the preventive vaccine also be a therapy for anogenital precancers?

Drinking after breast cancer won’t raise mortality risk, study shows
Alcohol use after breast cancer doesn’t increase your chances of dying of the disease, new study shows, but it does increase overall cancer risk

High blood levels of vitamin D linked to reduced estrogen – and potentially lower breast cancer risk
Study found the hormone-lowering effect to be independent of weight loss

Endometriosis risk linked to two pesticides - Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
This serious, chronic condition affects up to 10 percent of reproductive-age women

Few breast cancer survivors maintain adequate physical activity despite benefits
Study shows sharp drop in activity 10 years after diagnosis