Results per Page:

Menopausal hormone therapy may lower the risk of colorectal cancer
From the Peters and Hsu Groups, Cancer Consortium & Public Health Sciences Division

Not just the “what” but also the “how much” you eat matters
From the Nutrition and Physical Activity Assessment Study (NPAAS) Group, Public Health Sciences Division

Can estrogen improve vaginal health for postmenopausal women?
From the Fredricks lab, Vaccine and Infectious Disease and Clinical Research Divisions

Risk vs. benefit: Bisphosphonates in breast cancer
These common drugs can curb metastasis to bone and may even keep DCIS in check, but side effects make education and awareness crucial

The association between postmenopausal hormone therapy and colorectal cancer by subtype and location
From the Labadie Group and Newcomb Group

Drinking after breast cancer won’t raise mortality risk, study shows
Alcohol use after breast cancer doesn’t increase your chances of dying of the disease, new study shows, but it does increase overall cancer risk

Phone therapy helps older women get their sleep
New study shows significant improvement in menopausal women’s insomnia after receiving simple intervention

High blood levels of vitamin D linked to reduced estrogen – and potentially lower breast cancer risk
Study found the hormone-lowering effect to be independent of weight loss

Women's Health Initiative’s landmark hormone replacement research 10 years after
Seminal study found significantly higher risk of heart disease, stroke, breast cancer from combined hormone replacement therapy; as a result, 15,000-20,000 fewer breast cancer cases each year

Weight loss reduces inflammation related to cancer
Anne McTiernan-led study shows that postmenopausal women who lost at least 5 percent of their body weight reduced inflammation markers related to several cancers

Breast cancer: Estrogen-only pills may cut long-term risk
Led by Garnet Anderson, latest Women's Health Initiative study shows more than 20 percent reduction in cancer risk, 63 percent reduction in deaths for short-term estrogen users

Diet plus exercise = more weight loss than either method alone
Randomized trial of postmenopausal women found those who combined a low-fat, low-calorie diet with regular aerobic exercise shed nearly 11 percent of their starting weight

Postmenopausal estrogen use brings both benefits, risks
Longer-term Women’s Health Initiative follow-up of estrogen therapy users finds reduced risk of breast cancer, decreased heart disease in younger women

Hot flashes may signal breast cancer protection
Chris Li and colleagues find the more frequent and severe the menopausal symptoms, the lower the cancer risk

Osteoporosis drug may reduce breast cancer risk
Andrea LaCroix and colleagues tie lasofoxifene to 79 percent lowered overall risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women

Alcohol increases risk of some breast cancers
Li, Prentice study finds alcohol use more strongly related to risk of lobular cancer and hormone receptor-positive cancer

Estrogen therapy increases breast density
Women’s Health Initiative substudy shows small, consistent mammographic changes