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What’s new in breast cancer research? SABCS24 looks at ctDNA, AI and ‘right-sizing’ treatment
Large research symposium highlights liquid biopsies, new drug combos, shifts in surgical practice and, yes, patient voices

New funding drives six breast cancer studies
Scientists from Fred Hutch/University of Washington/Seattle Children’s Cancer Consortium receive $1.7M in grants from Breast Cancer Research Foundation

The new weight-loss drugs and cancer
What patients and doctors need to know when it comes to the popular new injections and pills

Study digs into what's driving early-onset colon cancer
Obesity, alcohol consumption ‘strongly correlated’ with colorectal cancers in adults under 50

Dr. Akhila Rajan receives McKnight Award
Obesity researcher explores how mitochondria may be conduit by which fat influences brain health

A high-sugar diet induces glia insulin resistance and disrupts their "eat-me" signaling
From the Rajan Lab, Basic Sciences Division

Science Says: Renew, refocus, reduce risk
Lowering risk of cancer through the science of prevention

7 ways to science your life for the coming year
Researchers share evidence-based strategies for managing your health during yet another uncertain year

Fred Hutch eyes the future of weight loss
Successful pilot study uses acceptance and commitment phone therapy to help people lose weight; new $3.7M grant will launch full-scale trial

Fruit flies add more weight to theory that individual bodies have set points
Researchers discover that a neural circuit responsible for sensing energy stores is designed to reset itself

Diet, inflammation and obesity: a three-way street
From the Hullar Lab, Public Health Sciences and Vaccine and Infectious Disease Divisions

Connecting the dots between weight loss and prostate cancer
U.S. veterans help shed light on link between dropping pounds and slowing progression of the disease

Fruit fly study IDs missing links in fat-signaling system
Hormone alerts brain to fat-storage status, but its packaging system goes awry in obesity

Small steps that can make a big difference in your health in the new year
Looking for a new year reset? These small steps can make a big difference when it comes to your overall health

Fred Hutch physician-scientist’s memoir sheds light on relationships with parents, food and our bodies
Dr. Anne McTiernan nearly starved to death at age 4 — then she grew up to be a nutrition researcher. Her new memoir focuses on the path between.

Healthy, affordable food hacks for holidays - and beyond
Public health studies show access to fruits and vegetables, nourishing recipes, nutritional nudges help us eat better for less

Fitness trackers don’t improve weight loss, study finds
Participants who added ‘wearables’ to diet and exercise plans actually lost fewer pounds than those who stuck with traditional tactics

A nutrition and exercise expert and her science writer daughter discuss the motivation to stay healthy
A nutrition and exercise expert and her science writer daughter sit down for a conversation on motivation

Fred Hutch medical tipsheet for July
Cancer moonshot, research, global health, HIV vaccine, health care policy story ideas and more