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Fumar o vapear, tóxicos por igual
Laboratorio de Fong, Departamento de Ciencias de Transferencia y de Terapéutica

Nuanced and far-reaching effects of gamma secretase inhibition in the multiple myeloma patients
From the Damian Green Lab, in collaboration with the Geoff Hill and Riddell Labs, Translational Sciences and Therapeutics Division and David Coffey, Division of Myeloma, at the University of Miami

¿Por qué decae nuestro sistema inmunitario con la edad? El deterioro de la arquiTECtura del timo puede ser una causa.
Del Laboratorio Dudakov, División de Ciencias Traslacionales y Terapéuticas

Time to retire the M word!
From the Termini Lab, Translational Science and Therapeutics Division.

Advocating for bringing gene therapy to low-income countries
From the Adair Lab, Translational Science and Therapeutics Division

From Precancer to Prevention
From Drs. Ming Yu, William Grady and Neelendu Dey

Mapping the secretory phenotype of senescent colon fibroblasts
From the Grady lab, Translational Science and Therapeutics, and Public Health Sciences Divisions

Targeting B cells – a new approach to HIV treatment?
From the Peterson lab, Translational Science and Therapeutics Division

Multi-omics data unlock TP53 and PTEN gene signatures
From the Paulovich Lab, Translational Science and Therapeutics Division

Language matters! Letters of recommendations are biased, but we can change that!
From the Termini Lab, Translational Science and Therapeutics Division

Una célula extraña: detección de macrófagos procedentes de donantes en el cerebro de personas receptoras de trasplante de células madre hematopoyéticas
Del Laboratorio Loeb, División de Ciencia Traslacional y Terapéutica