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Cracking the sparkle code
Fred Hutch cancer biologist wins V Foundation Scholar Award to explore role of protein sugaring in leukemia tumors that survive chemotherapy

Fred Hutch hosts new online Atlas of Inspiring Hispanic/ Latinx Scientists
List of hundreds of scientists is intended to increase visibility

Fred Hutch launches Atlas of Inspiring Hispanic/Latinx Scientists
Online atlas recognizes contributions of Hispanic and Latinx scientists

Time to retire the M word!
From the Termini Lab, Translational Science and Therapeutics Division.

¡Ya va siendo hora de jubilar a la palabra con M!
Del Laboratorio Termini, División de Ciencias Traslacionales y Terapéuticas

Fred Hutch announces eight recipients of 2024 Dr. Eddie Méndez Scholar Award
National award recognizes exceptional postdoctoral researchers from historically underrepresented groups in science

¡El uso del lenguaje es importante! Las cartas de recomendación tienen sesgos, ¡pero podemos cambiarlo!
Del Laboratorio Termini, División de Ciencia Traslacional y Terapéutica

Language matters! Letters of recommendations are biased, but we can change that!
From the Termini Lab, Translational Science and Therapeutics Division

Fred Hutch announces eight recipients of 2023 Dr. Eddie Méndez Scholar Award
In its fifth year, the national award recognizes exceptional postdoctoral researchers from groups who are historically underrepresented in science

The How To of faculty negotiations
From the Termini lab, Fred Hutch Clinical Research Division, and the Kong and Vasquez labs, University of Washington

Navigating a new faculty position and the COVID-19 pandemic
From the Termini Lab, Clinical Research Division

Fred Hutch announces recipients of the 4th annual Dr. Eddie Méndez Award
Award honors postdoctoral researchers from underrepresented groups in science

Fred Hutch announces 12 recipients of Dr. Eddie Méndez award
In its third year, the annual award recognizes postdoctoral researchers from groups historically under-represented in science

Fred Hutch announces 9 recipients of the Dr. Eddie Méndez award
The annual honor recognizes postdoctoral cancer biology researchers from underrepresented minority groups