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20 years since Fred Hutch president helped make EGFR discovery, woman with stage 4 lung cancer is thriving
Dr. Tom Lynch described how targeted therapies could dramatically improve patient outcomes

5 questions on new dengue vaccine analysis
Asked to help re-examine clinical trial data, Fred Hutch biostatisticians foresee a new era of personalized vaccines

Patient's cloned T cells kill tumors
Case is first to show safety and effectiveness of using infection-fighting T cells alone to put late-stage melanoma into long-term remission

Study identifies several new bacterial species associated with common infection in women
Research has implications for improving detection and treatment of bacterial vaginosis and other infections with multiple bacterial sources

For the First Time a Molecular Test Proves to be Effective in Measuring the Extent of Remission After Cancer Treatment and the Potential for Relapse
The molecular test is already saving lives of patients who relapse after bone-marrow or stem-cell transplantation. Researchers now predict that the approach will speed the delivery of promising new therapies to other patients

From Criminology to Seeking a Cure for Cancer — Today's DNA Analytical Tools Make Possible What Was Once Unthinkable
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center finds that in some cases a mismatched donor may work for leukemia patients — expanding the donor pool and increasing opportunity for people seeking lifesaving treatment