Hutch News

Finding a better (mis)match

Finding a better (mis)match

New way to pair blood stem cell donors with recipients promises to lower risk of potentially devastating transplant side effect
Hutch NewsAugust 28, 2015
Good News at Fred Hutch

Good News at Fred Hutch

<p>Dr. Amanda Paulovich wins proteomic sciences award; Dr. David Coffey receives ASH research training award; endowed chair named in honor of the late Dr. Stephen Petersdorf</p>
Hutch NewsAugust 13, 2015
Discovery may reduce GVHD risk in bone marrow transplant patients

Discovery may reduce GVHD risk in bone marrow transplant patients

Team of scientists led by the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center’s Dr. Effie Petersdorf find previously undetected genetic differences that could better match transplant patients and donors to avoid graft-vs.-host disease.
Hutch NewsSeptember 03, 2012
From Criminology to Seeking a Cure for Cancer — Today's DNA Analytical Tools Make Possible What Was Once Unthinkable

From Criminology to Seeking a Cure for Cancer — Today's DNA Analytical Tools Make Possible What Was Once Unthinkable

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center finds that in some cases a mismatched donor may work for leukemia patients — expanding the donor pool and increasing opportunity for people seeking lifesaving treatment
News ReleasesDecember 19, 2001