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Tackling an aggressive form of pancreatic cancer
Dr. Stephanie Dobersch awarded American Cancer Society Fellowship to study genetics of basal pancreatic adenocarcinoma

SCCA survival rates top most cancer programs nationwide
According to data compiled by the National Cancer Data Base, survival rates among patients treated for eight types of cancer top other programs accredited by Commission on Cancer

Paul Nghiem wins Research Scholar Grant from American Cancer Society
Four-year, $840,000 grant will help to fund research on a deadly, rarely studied form of skin cancer

The 29th Annual Hutch Holiday Gala Raises $4.9 Million
The Moyer Foundation rallies guests to match its $1.5 million donation

Major Prostate-Cancer Prevention Study To Launch Awareness Campaign In Churches Nationwid
Motivational speaker Les Brown lends his name to the cause, which kicks off Sunday

Dietary Change May Prevent the Most Serious Form of Prostate Cancer
Study suggests promising new insights for men with early-stage disease