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Cancer prevention community mourns epidemiologist Dr. Alan Kristal
Pioneering researcher studied how diet can lower cancer risk

Vitamin E, selenium linked to increased prostate cancer risk
New Fred Hutch study raises caution about high doses of supplements

Selenium and vitamin E supplements can increase risk of prostate cancer in some men - Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Vitamin E can heighten the risk in men with low baseline selenium levels; selenium supplements can raise the risk in men with high baseline levels of the trace element

Link between high blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids and prostate cancer - Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Consumption of fatty fish and fish-oil supplements linked to 71 percent higher risk

Prostate cancer: Six things men should know about tomatoes, fish oil, vitamin supplements, testosterone, PSA Tests - and more
September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

Omega-3 fatty acids may boost prostate cancer risk
Conversely, Brasky and colleagues find high percentage of unhealthy trans-fatty acids linked with decreased high-grade prostate cancer risk

Study of Yup'ik Eskimos suggests high consumption of omega-3 fats reduces risk of obesity-related disease
Fish-rich diet linked to reduction in markers of chronic disease risk in overweight/obese people

Seven tips to jump start weight loss in the New Year
This research-based advice from Hutchinson Center scientists can help

Regular yoga practice is associated with mindful eating
Study suggests that mindful eating can play a key role in long-term weight maintenance

Video: Study links yoga practice with mindful eating
Kristal study suggests mindful eating can play a key role in long-term weight maintenance

Heavy drinking and prostate health don't mix
Kristal and colleagues find heavy, daily drinking increases risk of high-grade prostate cancer and renders preventive drug ineffective

What's good for the heart may be good for the prostate
Study finds a diet high in vegetables and lean protein, and low in fat and red meat, combined with moderate alcohol use reduces the risk of symptomatic benign enlargement of the prostate

Obesity increases the risk of aggressive prostate cancer
'Apple-shaped' men with a family history of the disease at greatest risk

Decoding the biology of prostate cancer
International research team receives $14 million to study mechanisms of prostate-cancer prevention

Regular Yoga Practice May Help Prevent Middle-Age Spread
Study suggests overweight people may benefit most from yoga's fat-fighting potential

Dietary Change May Prevent the Most Serious Form of Prostate Cancer
Study suggests promising new insights for men with early-stage disease

Hutch Plays Key Role in Largest-Ever Prostate-Cancer Prevention Study; Vitamin E, Selenium to be Tested
Local sites include Northwest Prostate Institute, Puget Sound Cancer Centers, Swedish Cancer Institute, VA Puget Sound Health Care System and Virginia Mason Medical Center

Move over tomatoes! All vegetables -- especially the cruciferous kind -- may prevent prostate cancer
Eating a wide variety of vegetables is key to reducing one's risk, according to a new study