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Fred Hutch joins international COVID-19 vaccine effort
New clinical trials network will evaluate vaccines and antibodies to prevent COVID-19

Fred Hutch and University of Washington experts: Treat COVID-19 earlier to save lives
New review article in Open Forum Infectious Diseases suggests “golden opportunity being missed”

Validating antibody tests to determine SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence
From the University of Washington and the Jerome lab, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division

Metagenomic sequencing uncovers SARS-CoV-2 co-infections
From the University of Washington and the Jerome lab, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division

Experts share insights on coronavirus vaccines at Fred Hutch virtual event
Dr. Tom Lynch interviews former Hutch President Dr. Larry Corey and NIAID vaccine chief Dr. John Mascola

Join Drs. Larry Corey and John Mascola for a discussion on COVID-19 vaccines
Hear from two global experts about how existing partnerships, networks and infrastructure can be used to develop, test and distribute vaccines safely and effectively, in record time

Fred Hutch, NIH experts outline plan for COVID-19 vaccines
In a Science perspective, experts urge multi-pronged, coordinated approach to successfully develop COVID-19 vaccines

Fred Hutch and the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance awarded Bank of America grant for COVID-19 relief efforts
Money will support purchase of medical equipment and testing development

Science papers you should be reading about the coronavirus
Amid the thousands of research publications on COVID-19, here are the ones we’re reading

New study will track workers at high risk for coronavirus
Volunteers to provide regular samples to help close knowledge gaps in how COVID-19 spreads undetected

COVID-19: What our scientists are saying
Fred Hutch researchers provide their insights and ideas on the pandemic

A short primer on coronavirus biology
Hutch virologist explains viral pandemics and COVID-19

COVID-19 detectives are on the case but lack funds
Computational biologists behind Nextstrain seek support for global sequencing work

Fred Hutch statement on shifting most on-site lab and clinical research to remote work
Scientists will continue producing life-saving research while limiting on-site work to prevent the spread of COVID-19

UW Medicine deploys new, and needed, test for coronavirus
At the center of an epidemic, testing ramps up to break logjam

Tracking the coronavirus epidemic from Wuhan to the world
Scientists and public health officials worldwide collaborate to understand COVID-19 and slow its spread

The present and future of science intersect in Seattle
Highlights from the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science

Coronavirus outbreak puts 'open science' under a microscope
Quick release of data could stop an epidemic, disrupt how research is reported