Hutch News

Fred Hutch blood and marrow transplant program recognized nationally for patient survival outcomes

Fred Hutch blood and marrow transplant program recognized nationally for patient survival outcomes

Industry data report shows Fred Hutch among 6.3% of U.S. transplant centers to exceed outcomes expectations
News ReleasesFebruary 06, 2023
Fred Hutch/SCCA transplant rates among best in U.S.

Fred Hutch/SCCA transplant rates among best in U.S.

Nobel Prize-winning transplant program receives top recognition four years in a row.
News ReleasesDecember 20, 2016
Gentler treatment for many with graft-vs.-host disease

Gentler treatment for many with graft-vs.-host disease

A new study finds halving standard steroid dose treats most acute GVHD just as well; could limit dangerous side effects
Hutch NewsFebruary 19, 2015
Mielcarek lands $2.2 million GVHD grant

Mielcarek lands $2.2 million GVHD grant

NHLBI grant will expand research into protective mechanisms of statins against severe acute graft-vs.-host disease in transplant patients
Hutch NewsMay 16, 2011