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Dr. Nancy E. Davidson receives Raisbeck Endowed Chair for Collaborative Research
New chair will encourage collaboration between Fred Hutch and the University of Washington

Dr. Heather Wright receives NIH training fellowship to study pancreatic cancer metastasis
She will explore the role of a molecule called hyaluronan in promoting cancer spread

Experimental drug makes some pancreatic cancers more vulnerable to chemo
Early trial shows possibility of knocking down a ‘daunting’ cancer’s defense

Good News: $1.8M Cancer Moonshot grant advances precision medicine for pancreatic cancer
Celebrating faculty and staff achievements

Good News: Fred Hutch scientists to develop bioassay for ovarian cancer for new NCI initiative
Celebrating faculty and staff achievements

Fred Hutch selected to join national effort to transform treatment for pancreatic cancer patients
Precision Promise clinical trial platform creates unprecedented model of collaboration among renowned researchers, clinicians, and diagnostic and drug developers

A new model for pancreatic cancer research: Flexible, precision-medicine trial 'driven by doing what is best for the individual patient'
Flexible, precision-medicine trial ‘driven by doing what is best for the individual patient’

Internal pressure makes pancreatic tumors hard to treat
The blood vessel-crushing, chemo-blocking pressure inside pancreatic tumors is almost entirely due to water trapped in gel form, study shows

Mielcarek study may change the practice of blood stem-cell transplantation
Celebrating faculty and staff achievements

Immunotherapy for pancreatic cancer boosts survival more than 75 percent in mice, study finds
Therapy using engineered immune cells offers promise for the ‘disease that desperately needs something new’

Immunotherapy for pancreatic cancer boosts survival by more than 75% in mice
Human trials are planned within the next year

New treatment doubles progression-free survival in some pancreatic cancer patients
Enzyme lowers pressure inside tumors, allows chemotherapy in

Fred Hutch Researchers discover tumor molecule that causes spread of pancreatic cancer
Testing could help guide future treatment

Dismantling pancreas cancer’s armor - Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Immunotherapy against pancreas cancer gains ground as Fred Hutch researchers discover a method that allows native immune cells to launch an attack

Potential breakthrough in pancreatic cancer treatment
Sunil Hingorani-led study breaks unique tumor defense, extends survival in mice by 70 percent; initial human studies under way

Hutchinson Center scientists break through pancreas cancer treatment barrier
Research study reports extending survival in mice by 70 percent; initial studies in humans are under way

Arnold floor named to honor Canary Foundation
Urban, Hanash and several other early detection researchers are foundation grant recipients