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Could fecal microbiota transplantation help patients heal after stem cell transplantation?
Phase 2 clinical trial shows a safe dose from a specific donor helped with gut microbiome recovery in people with cancer

Understanding how microbial imbalances may influence Juvenile Dermatomyositis, a rare immune-mediated disease
From the Dey Lab, Pathogen Associated Malignancies Program of the Cancer Consortium

Zeroing in on vaginal microbes that most increase HIV risk
Signature combination of BV bacteria and immune proteins associated with highest risk could help guide prevention

Gut microbes dictate donor T cell expansion and graft-versus-host disease risk after stem cell transplantation
From the Hill Lab, Translational Science and Therapeutics Division

Secret to tamping down GVHD may lie in microbial genetics
Preclinical bone marrow transplant study shows donor immune cells that target recipient microbiome can influence GVHD severity

Se encuentra relación entre un subtipo de bacteria y el cáncer colorrectal
Del laboratorio Bullman, División de Biología Humana, y del laboratorio Johnston, División de Vacunas y Enfermedades Infecciosas

A subtype of bacteria linked to colorectal cancer
From the Bullman Lab, Human Biology Division and Johnston Lab, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division

Microbial cell-free DNA may help predict transplantation outcomes
From the Markey Lab, Translational Science and Therapeutics Division

Cataloging bacterial diversity within tumor samples
From the Bullman Lab, Human Biology Division and Johnston Lab, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division

Do our own bugs determine our response to vaccines? – Likely yes!
From the Kublin lab, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division

Fallopian tube organoids provide a new way to study pelvic host-microbe interactions
From the Fredricks Lab, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division

Computational method identifies genetic drivers of microbiome diversity
From the Wu Group, Public Health Sciences Division

How to “ConQuR” batch effects in microbiome data
From the Wu and Randolph Labs, Biostatistics and Computational Biology Program, Cancer Consortium.

Dispatches from the microbial frontier of cancer research
Hutch scientists aim high by way of the lowly microorganisms that call us home

Can estrogen improve vaginal health for postmenopausal women?
From the Fredricks lab, Vaccine and Infectious Disease and Clinical Research Divisions

New insights into the breast milk virome in women with HIV
From the Human Biology Division

Mystery solved: How graft-vs.-host disease starts in the gut
Microbiome triggers top killer after bone marrow transplant — and there’s a potential way to stop it

New type of viral anti-CRISPR found in human microbiome
Protein used by viruses to combat DNA-snipping action of bacteria's CRISPR immune system

Dr. Meghan Koch named 2019 Rita Allen Foundation Scholar
She will study how maternal antibodies and the microbiome support growth in early life