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TEC specs: tumor endothelial cells in renal cell carcinoma
From the Akilesh Lab, UW Department of Laboratory Medicine & Pathology in collaboration with the Warren Lab, Translational Science and Therapeutics and Dr. Scott Tykodi, a clinical specialist for kidney cancer in the Clinical Research Division

La densa matriz extracelular tumoral impide la infiltración de la inmunoterapia
De los laboratorios Warren y Tykodi, División de Ciencia Traslacional y Terapéutica

Decoding the function of clonally expanded T cells in kidney cancer
From the Warren Lab, Clinical Research Division

Measure 170 times, cut once: high-throughput drug screening for multiple myeloma
From Dr. Pamela Becker and Dr. David Coffey, Clinical Research Division

Alter ego: RNA helicase is recruited to sites of DNA damage
From the Warren Lab, Clinical Research Division

Good News at Fred Hutch
<p>Dr. Amanda Paulovich wins proteomic sciences award; Dr. David Coffey receives ASH research training award; endowed chair named in honor of the late Dr. Stephen Petersdorf</p>