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TEC specs: tumor endothelial cells in renal cell carcinoma
From the Akilesh Lab, UW Department of Laboratory Medicine & Pathology in collaboration with the Warren Lab, Translational Science and Therapeutics and Dr. Scott Tykodi, a clinical specialist for kidney cancer in the Clinical Research Division

La densa matriz extracelular tumoral impide la infiltración de la inmunoterapia
De los laboratorios Warren y Tykodi, División de Ciencia Traslacional y Terapéutica

Dense tumor extracellular matrix impedes immunotherapy infiltration
From the Warren and Tykodi Labs, Translational Science and Therapeutics Division

Decoding the function of clonally expanded T cells in kidney cancer
From the Warren Lab, Clinical Research Division

Uganda hospitals receive much-needed COVID-19 supplies from Seattle area
Donation of personal protective equipment from Fred Hutch, local community aids health workers in hard-hit country

Alter ego: RNA helicase is recruited to sites of DNA damage
From the Warren Lab, Clinical Research Division

'Tissues are data'
How biorepositories — and their people behind the scenes — enable next-gen data science

Targeting renal cell carcinoma with transgenic T cell therapy
From the Tykodi and Warren laboratories, Clinical Research Division

Fred Hutch and Aga Khan University set stage for collaboration on global health
Prince Rahim Aga Khan and his wife, Princess Salwa, tour labs

Lab advance brings a closer look at cancer in Africa
Live cancer cells travel 8,800 miles for deep analyses in Seattle

UCI-Fred Hutch collaboration turns 10
In Uganda, innovation and persistence allow a 'sustainable cancer program' to take root

First human antibody found to block Epstein-Barr virus
Early research could open new path for vaccine against EBV-related cancers, mononucleosis

Meet Global Oncology's deputy program head
Key early experiences shaped Dr. Thomas Uldrick's path toward HIV-associated cancers, global health

Good News: Dr. Jen Adair speaks on gene therapy at TEDxNashville
Celebrating faculty and staff achievements

Good News: Fred Hutch first U.S. cancer center to pledge commitment to CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion
Celebrating faculty and staff achievements

Integrated approach to overcome pathogen-associated malignancies
Dr. Denise Galloway heads new collaborative center to study prevention and treatment of cancers linked to infectious agents

Dr. Hootie Warren takes helm of Fred Hutch Global Oncology
Immunotherapy researcher, cancer doctor set to lead a new worldwide revolution in care

Dr. Edus H. Warren named leader of Fred Hutch Global Oncology program
Immunotherapy researcher and oncologist to head global cancer collaboration

Good News at Fred Hutch
<p>Dr. Amanda Paulovich wins proteomic sciences award; Dr. David Coffey receives ASH research training award; endowed chair named in honor of the late Dr. Stephen Petersdorf</p>

Immunologists’ ‘team science’ honored
Collaborative achievements in T-cell immunotherapies cited