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Skin in the game: Changing the story of Merkel cell carcinoma
How the Nghiem Lab and its supporters are improving outcomes for patients with a rare cancer

A tale of two T cells in Merkel Cell Carcinoma
From the Newell Lab, Vaccines and Infectious Disease Division

A one-two punch to battle Merkel Cell Carcinoma
From the Nghiem Lab, Clinical Research Division, and Dr. Jung Hyun Lee, UW School of Medicine

New biomarker could one day help tailor immunotherapy for Merkel cell carcinoma
Helps explain why only certain MCC patients respond to immune checkpoint inhibitors, could point toward new strategies to improve treatment responses

Reducing frequency of immunotherapy dosing could save money and time, keep patients on therapy longer
Study of immune checkpoint inhibitor dosing in patients with advanced skin cancers could help guide long-term treatment plans

Six researchers receive $3.5 million in grants from Kuni Foundation
Funds will support innovative high-risk/high-reward projects across Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center/University of Washington/Seattle Children’s Cancer Consortium with the potential to revolutionize care