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Anti-(idio)typical: a new immunogen to vaccinate against RSV
From the McGuire Lab, Vaccine & Infectious Disease Division

Going straight to the source in defense against infant RSV
New anti-idiotype antibody a first step in possible strategy to build infant immunity during vulnerable window

The past, present, and future of antibody-based pandemic protection
From the Bloom Lab, Basic Sciences Division

How studies of coronavirus immunity can inform better vaccines, treatments
Scientists look for broad-acting antibodies that could protect against new variants of SARS-CoV-2 — and maybe a future SARS-3

Taking aim: Mesothelin as a novel target for pediatric AML therapy
From the Meshinchi Lab, Clinical Research Division, and Cancer Consortium colleagues

Keep your enemies closer: targeting membrane-proximal domains for improved immunotherapy
From the Walter Lab, Clinical Research Division

Antibodies a hot topic in COVID-19 research
Hutch scientists tap their antibody expertise for new tests, treatments, vaccines

Mixing antibodies in silico: is more better?
From the Bloom Lab, Basic Sciences Division

Gimme shelter: CRISPR hides healthy cells from leukemia drug
In mouse study, gene-edited cells stay safe as immunotherapy attacks cancer

Double trouble: epithelial and B cell neutralization of Epstein-Barr virus
McGuire Laboratory, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division