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Identification of potent and broadly-neutralizing antibodies against sarbecoviruses including SARS-CoV-1 and SARS-CoV-2
From the Overbaugh lab, Human Biology Division

Crunching the numbers for next-gen COVID-19 vaccines
BARDA taps Fred Hutch biostatisticians to assess new vaccine technology, more nimble trial design

Going straight to the source in defense against infant RSV
New anti-idiotype antibody a first step in possible strategy to build infant immunity during vulnerable window

Vaccine targets that accommodate evolving SARS-CoV-2 variants
From the Overbaugh Lab, Human Biology and Public Health Sciences Divisions

Differential immune responses between mothers and their infants to SARS-CoV-2
From the Overbaugh and Lehman Groups, Human Biology Division

How blood cancer research might help organ transplant patients
Fred Hutch study suggests certain immune cells are source of antibodies that attack donated organs

The impact of antibodies to other coronaviruses on risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection in mothers and infants
From the Lehman and Overbaugh Labs, Human Biology Division

Gone but not lost: a computational method to infer missing data measurements
From Tal Einav of the Bloom Lab, Basic Sciences Division

A bit of hit and miss – how well antibody responses in pre-clinical models resemble human responses
From the Overbaugh Lab, part of the Human Biology Division

Antibody, how do I escape thee? Let me count the ways.
From the Bloom Lab, Basic Sciences and Public Health Sciences Divisions

Natural protection from COVID-19 gets boost from a single dose of vaccine
Tests of patients' blood show vaccine stirs antibodies against variants and 2003 SARS virus

A year of research dominated by the coronavirus
Scientists applied diverse expertise to pandemic in 2020 while advancing discoveries and cures for cancer

Antibodies a hot topic in COVID-19 research
Hutch scientists tap their antibody expertise for new tests, treatments, vaccines

Studying the complex interactions between antibodies and viral targets
Bloom Lab postdoc Dr. Tal Einav named Damon Runyon Quantitative Biology Fellow

Wild-type vs. modification: which is better?
From Stamatatos Laboratory, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division

Study finds HIV ‘superinfection’ boosts immune response
Findings may provide insight into HIV-vaccine development

An 'HIV-test' equivalent for early detection of lung cancer
New cancer-screening strategy uses the immune system to signal early signs of disease

Antibody-Targeted Chemotherapy with Mylotarg Shows Promise for Many Adults with Deadly Form of Leukemia
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Researcher Presents Updated Study Results at the American Society of Clinical Oncology Meeting in New Orleans