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All eyes on IL-6 when it comes to CMV reactivation after bone marrow transplantation
From the Hill Lab in Translational Sciences and Therapuetics Division

Charting new territory in detangling cytokine secretion mechanisms
From the Gujral Lab, Human Biology Division

Boost and attack approach for metastatic prostate cancer therapy!
From the Lee Lab, Human Biology and Clinical Research Divisions, Cancer Consortium

Bystander-activation of CD8 T cells during Herpes Virus 2 infection
From the Lund lab, Vaccine and Infection Disease Division

Drug identified to combat Omicron-induced cytokine storm
From the Gujral Lab, Human Biology Division

Using AI to identify potential COVID-19, cancer therapies
Early findings show current drugs might be repurposed to calm COVID-19’s cytokine storms, treat metastatic prostate cancer

Tip Sheet: Latest research on COVID-19, health disparities, antibodies to parainfluenza, and neuron function
Summaries of recent Fred Hutch research findings and other news