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Science Says: The promise of precision medicine
How understanding unique traits of individuals and their cancers can lead to precise treatments

Science Says: Comedian, researchers tackle tough topics
Trevor Noah and scientists discuss colorectal cancer screening, community involvement in research, science communication

Science Says: Renew, refocus, reduce risk
Lowering risk of cancer through the science of prevention

Tip Sheet: Fred Hutch experts and omicron, closing gaps in indigenous health disparities, new leaders in DEI and data science — and ASH 2021
Summaries of recent Fred Hutch research findings and other news

Science Says: Fearless science
Immunotherapy, equity in colorectal cancer and the latest on the COVID-19 virus's omicron variant

Tip Sheet: How to diversify vaccine clinical trials, 30 years of science education, Trevor Noah talks to Hutch scientists — and more
Summaries of recent Fred Hutch research findings and other news

Science Says: Cracking the code in solid tumors
How scientists are developing targeted new therapies for cancers of the breast, lung, stomach and more

Tip Sheet: New MacArthur ‘genius,’ returning to school during COVID-19 and the science of race and racism
Summaries of recent Fred Hutch research findings and other news

Tip Sheet: Making clinical trials more inclusive, measuring COVID vaccine protection and new HIV vaccine results
Summaries of recent Fred Hutch research findings and other news

Science Says: Back to the future
Navigating work, school, and well-being in a world transformed by COVID-19

Tip Sheet: Cancer-busting broccoli sprout pills in space, trauma and healing among Indigenous people, how to boost HPV vaccinations
Summaries of recent Fred Hutch research findings and other news

Science Says: Curing cancer for all
Reducing health disparities, increasing diversity in cancer treatment and research

Tip Sheet: Massive unmet needs in COVID-19 treatment, osteoporosis drugs for breast cancer, new bladder cancer target — and AIDS at 40
Summaries of recent Fred Hutch research findings and other news

Tip Sheet: Latest research on COVID-19, health disparities, antibodies to parainfluenza, and neuron function
Summaries of recent Fred Hutch research findings and other news

Tip Sheet: New COVID-19 transmission study, returning to school, video of biorepositories — and a new weight loss study
Summaries of recent Fred Hutch research findings and other news