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Retired Seattle firefighter navigates esophageal cancer diagnosis and treatment with a positive attitude and family support
‘Even in the darkest moment, I remembered, there is only one way to go — forward’

A new cell type with links to gastric cancer steps up for its mugshot
From the Salama Lab, Human Biology Division

H. pylori tightens its grip to adapt to a changing tissue environment
From the Salama Lab, Human Biology Division

Science Says: Cracking the code in solid tumors
How scientists are developing targeted new therapies for cancers of the breast, lung, stomach and more

First human antibody found to block Epstein-Barr virus
Early research could open new path for vaccine against EBV-related cancers, mononucleosis

Integrated approach to overcome pathogen-associated malignancies
Dr. Denise Galloway heads new collaborative center to study prevention and treatment of cancers linked to infectious agents

‘It’s been an incredible ride’
Dr. Denise Galloway reflects on a career — and a life — touched by cancer

Shape matters: the corkscrew twist of the ulcer bug H. pylori enables it to 'set up shop' in the stomach
Unlocking the keys to H. pylori's helical structure may lead to better antibiotic drugs for diseases from ulcers and stomach cancer to diarrhea and cholera