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Dr. Cecilia Moens named Raisbeck Endowed Chair for Basic Science
Funding will support her continued work studying embryonic development in zebrafish

Figuring out how our brains keep from ‘getting the wires crossed’
From the Moens Lab, Basic Sciences Division

Don’t lose your nerve: choosing the right path during axon regeneration
From the Moens Lab, Basic Sciences Division

Painting the vagus topographic map with a gRAdient
From the Moens Lab, Basic Sciences Division

Helping the developing brain chart its course
New study in fish shows vitamin A derivative orchestrates timing as 'brain map' forms

Multiple copies multiply diversity
From the Moens Lab, Basic Sciences Division

A space-time continuum in nervous system development
From the Moens Lab, Basic Sciences Division

Green means go: receipt of macrophage cytoplasm by tumor cells correlates with migratory behavior
From the Moens Lab, Basic Sciences Division

Immune cells share their insides with tumors to promote cancer spread
New study in zebrafish and mice shows immune cells interact with melanoma and transfer their contents to spur metastasis

Preventing chemo-induced hearing loss
A new drug in development could avert permanent hearing loss associated with some chemotherapies, antibiotics

The science of cancer spread
The how and why of metastasis — and what it might take to stop it

Good News at Fred Hutch
Celebrating faculty and staff achievements

Join us for Fred Hutch's 40th Anniversary Block Party
Science demonstrations, dignitaries, games, Mariner Moose and even a giant colon will be at the celebration from 4 to 7 p.m. Tuesday

Good News at Fred Hutch
Celebrating our achievements

Hutchinson Center Researchers First to Induce State of Suspended Animation in Model Vertebrate Organism
Achievement may lead to new approaches for treating cancer and blood-loss injury

Five Seattle Scientists Selected as Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigators
'People, not projects' model means freedom and flexibility for HHMI investigators