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Dr. Sara Hurvitz receives the Smith Family Endowed Chair in Women’s Health
Flexible funding will fuel physician-scientist’s work to improve survivorship for women with cancer

Leonard and Norma Klorfine Endowed Chair for Clinical Research awarded to Dr. Geoffrey Hill
Funding will help facilitate inter-institutional collaboration and foundational data capture for immunological research

Fred Hutch receives $2M gift to endow the Bob and Pat Herbold Computational Biology Chair for the Herbold Computational Biology Program
Establishment of new chair will drive innovations in cancer research

Dr. Cecilia Moens named Raisbeck Endowed Chair for Basic Science
Funding will support her continued work studying embryonic development in zebrafish

Dr. Bart Scott named Miklos Kohary and Natalia Zimonyi Kohary Endowed Chair
Chair recognizes a quarter-century of commitment to advancing MDS treatment and the opportunities ahead

Dr. Stanley Riddell awarded Burke O'Reilly Family Endowed Chair in Immunotherapy
Inspired by child's life-threatening illness, family's gift funds development of next-gen therapies

Dr. Nancy E. Davidson receives Raisbeck Endowed Chair for Collaborative Research
New chair will encourage collaboration between Fred Hutch and the University of Washington

Drs. Denise Galloway and Hans-Peter Kiem receive endowed chairs
Paul Stephanus Memorial Endowed Chair to Galloway; Stephanus Family Endowed Chair for Cell and Gene Therapy to Kiem