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Cancer chemo side effects and how to limit them
A Q & A with physician-scientist Dr. Gary Lyman on his new Nature review of acute chemotherapy-associated adverse events

New study finds many cancer patients have no antibodies to measles or mumps
Hospital study shows younger adults, stem cell transplant recipients more likely to have less protection

Risk vs. benefit: Bisphosphonates in breast cancer
These common drugs can curb metastasis to bone and may even keep DCIS in check, but side effects make education and awareness crucial

Cancer patients and the COVID-19 vaccines
Clinicians, cancer patients and coronavirus researchers weigh in on vaccination safety, timing, allergy concerns and more

Exercise video series for prostate cancer patients launches
A new resource designed to help improve patients’ overall quality of life

Coronavirus: what cancer patients need to know
Advice for cancer patients, survivors and caregivers on who’s most at risk for COVID-19 and what you can do to stay healthy

Exercise is medicine
Move your body for better health, especially before, during and after cancer treatment. Do whatever you can; it all helps (just don’t injure yourself!)

Blood clots: What cancer patients need to know
A common side effect of cancer and its treatment gets renewed attention and potential new therapies

Acupuncture can curb AI-induced joint pain in some breast cancer patients
Large, randomized trial shows integrative approach relieves common side effect of estrogen-suppressing drug

What’s new in combatting chronic graft-vs.-host disease
Decades after the development of bone marrow transplant, researchers are making headway against one of its most common and deadly side effects

New guidelines take aim at chemo-related nausea
Cancer patients ‘should not be vomiting with chemo anymore.’ Can someone please tell Hollywood?

Preventing chemo-induced hearing loss
A new drug in development could avert permanent hearing loss associated with some chemotherapies, antibiotics

Forgotten patients: New guidelines help those with head-and-neck cancers
Stigma, isolation and medical complexity may keep patients from getting all the care they need; recommendations aim to change that

Screening tool aims to better identify distressed patients
Caring for patients doesn’t just mean physically; a new tool helps doctors find, and support, those struggling with depression and other forms of psychosocial distress

Depression: cancer’s invisible side effect
Three in four depressed cancer patients don’t get enough help; survivors tell what it’s like to slip ‘down the rabbit hole’ — and how to climb back out

After chemotherapy, immune system recovery may be slower than believed
<p>Chemo weakens the immune system for up to nine months, especially in smokers, one study finds</p>

Cancer, bankruptcy and death: study finds a link
A new Fred Hutch study finds that the 3 percent of cancer patients who go bankrupt are much more likely to die

New follow-up care guidelines released for breast cancer survivors
Two top cancer organizations join forces to issue 'invaluable resource' for patients, care providers

Un efecto secundario poco conocido con un enorme impacto
El linfedema afecta a millones de pacientes con cáncer y, aun así, muchos no conocen su riesgo y el seguro no siempre cubre el tratamiento

A little known side effect with a huge impact
Lymphedema affects millions of cancer patients, yet many don’t know their risk and treatment is not always covered