Hutch News

CAF-like cells remodel the Ewing sarcoma tumor microenvironment

CAF-like cells remodel the Ewing sarcoma tumor microenvironment

From the Lawlor lab, Seattle Children’s Hospital and the Cancer Basic Biology Program of the Cancer Consortium
Science SpotlightAugust 21, 2023
Dead to me? Insights into a tumor’s necrotic core

Dead to me? Insights into a tumor’s necrotic core

Research from Cheung Lab reveals role for ‘dead zone’ within cancers as a launch system for metastatic spread
Hutch NewsFebruary 27, 2023
Understanding the mechanics of breast cancer metastasis

Understanding the mechanics of breast cancer metastasis

Ghajar Lab research reveals why muscle tissue doesn’t get mets, how dormant tumor cells in the brain wake up and proliferate
Hutch NewsApril 11, 2022