Results per Page:

CAF-like cells remodel the Ewing sarcoma tumor microenvironment
From the Lawlor lab, Seattle Children’s Hospital and the Cancer Basic Biology Program of the Cancer Consortium

Dead to me? Insights into a tumor’s necrotic core
Research from Cheung Lab reveals role for ‘dead zone’ within cancers as a launch system for metastatic spread

Fred Hutch launches MET-X, a ‘transformative approach to metastatic disease’
New Center for Metastasis Research Excellence aims to detect, prevent, treat and cure stage 4 solid tumor cancers

“Why doesn’t cancer metastasize to your muscles?”
From the Ghajar Lab, Breast & Ovary Cancer Program, Cancer Consortium

Understanding the mechanics of breast cancer metastasis
Ghajar Lab research reveals why muscle tissue doesn’t get mets, how dormant tumor cells in the brain wake up and proliferate

The secret signals tumor cell clusters use to drive metastasis
New study identifies 'nanolumina': intercellular chambers where tumor cells share growth signals, driving cancer spread

Preventing brain metastasis in breast cancer
New $2.4M NCI grant funds research aimed at preventing disseminated tumor cells in the brain from waking up

Is it possible to prevent breast cancer metastasis?
Study reveals how blood vessels in the bone marrow protect dormant tumor cells, suggests a way to kill them in their sleep

Fred Hutch metastatic breast cancer researchers awarded nearly $500K
Celebrating faculty and staff achievements

Good News: Drs. Grzelak, Anderson get Komen awards; Infectious Disease Sciences earns training grant; Drs. Bloom, Matsen named HHMI-Simons Faculty Scholars
Celebrating faculty and staff achievements

The science of cancer spread
The how and why of metastasis — and what it might take to stop it

New strides in metastatic breast cancer research give patients hope
New strides in metastatic breast cancer research and advocacy give patients, scientists hope

Cyrus Ghajar receives $4.1M grant to study ways to prevent metastatic breast cancer
Investigating two different approaches: keeping dormant cells asleep or destroying them altogether

Good News at Fred Hutch
Dr. Cyrus Ghajar receives $4.1M grant to study metastatic breast cancer; Dr. Chris Peterson wins HIV cure prize; Dr. Stephen Schwartz appointed to NCI board