Results per Page:

A unique population of mucosal Tregs respond to local viral infection
From the Lund and Prlic labs, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division

New immunotherapy targets discovered for head and neck cancer
From the Prlic lab, Clinical Research and Vaccine and Infectious Disease Divisions

Solid tumors use a type of T cell as a shield against immune attack
Discovery in head and neck cancers may open door for targeted immune-boosting drugs

Naïve and memory T cells elicit a convergent response to CMV
From the Boeckh, Bradley, and Prlic Labs, a collaboration between the Vaccine and Infectious Disease, Clinical Research, and Public Health Sciences Divisions

Sleuthing the immune system’s mysterious T-regs
Dr. Jennifer Lund probes why regulatory T cells show up when trouble comes around

Comparing immune landscapes across respiratory infections
From the Lund and Prlic labs, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division

A cheaper way to study the immune system, one cell at a time
Scientists describe a more efficient way to sequence individual cells and visualize the massive amount of data that ensues

CCR5 plays multiple roles in mucosal immunity
From the Prlic lab, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division

Models aren’t just pretty
From the Schiffer lab, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division

MAIT cells get around
From the Prlic Laboratory, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division

Jump-starting innovative projects exploring pathogen-associated cancers
Pathogen-Associated Malignancies Integrated Research Center awards first round of pilot funding supporting researchers studying H. pylori, EBV and the microbiome

Investing in the future: 5 researchers benefit from President’s Young Investigator Awards
Five researchers get surprise grants through new President’s Young Investigator Awards