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Cost-effective device trains immune cells to kill tumor cells
From the Matthias Stephan Lab, Translational Science & Therapeutics Division

Solid tumors use a type of T cell as a shield against immune attack
Discovery in head and neck cancers may open door for targeted immune-boosting drugs

Cancer immunotherapy gets assist from micro-scale engineering
With new molecular 'handles' and stimulating signals, metallic thin films become a stronghold for cancer-killing immune cells

H. pylori test hints at risk factor for stomach cancer
Pilot study suggests specific strain of bacteria may be found more often in East Asian patients with stomach cancer

The tumor microenvironment: How cancer fools healthy neighboring cells
‘Tumor microenvironment’ research underscores why we need cancer immunotherapy — and how to make it work for more patients

Finding ways to deliver on the promise of precision oncology
‘Functional genomics’ method aims to marry three powerful techniques to speed personalized cancer treatments to patients

I speak computer: making medical information Big Data-ready
Natural language processing helps turn medical information into data computers can analyze to transform research, patient care

Gene therapy boosts chemotherapy tolerance and effectiveness of medications that attack brain cancer
Stem-cell protocol could be used with other malignant solid tumors