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Oral Shedding: A Kaposi Sarcoma Mystery
From the Schiffer Lab, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division and Clinical Research Division

A new take on having skin in the game
From the Zhu lab, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division

A unique population of mucosal Tregs respond to local viral infection
From the Lund and Prlic labs, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division

Researchers advance development of potential Epstein-Barr virus vaccines
Stakes raised as common virus linked to more diseases

Scientists predict progress against COVID-19, cancer in 2021
After a challenging and deadly 2020, some hopeful predictions for the new year

Tip Sheet: Colorectal cancer, COVID-19 super-spreading, gene therapy for herpes, contagious cancer in Tasmanian devils – and more
Summaries of recent Fred Hutch research findings and other news with links for additional background and media contacts.

New gene therapy approach eliminates at least 90% latent herpes simplex virus 1
In Nature Communications, Fred Hutch scientists demonstrate in a mouse model how gene therapy could cure an infection that afflicts billions of people

¿La cura del herpes? Hay avances que reportar
Los estudios con ratones muestran que la terapia génica puede reducir muchísimo las infecciones inactivas