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Polygenic risk scores and prostate cancer
New research shows genetic risk scores could help distinguish who can cut back on ‘active surveillance’

Improving randomized cancer screening trials: A new design based on late-stage cancer incidence reduction
From the Yingqi Zhao and Yingye Zheng research group, Public Health Sciences Division

Tip Sheet: Massive unmet needs in COVID-19 treatment, osteoporosis drugs for breast cancer, new bladder cancer target — and AIDS at 40
Summaries of recent Fred Hutch research findings and other news

Dr. Yingye Zheng named fellow of American Statistical Association
Honored for work to develop biomedical decision tools

Fred Hutch team receives $7.5M NCI grant to improve cancer screening
PROSPR II consortium aims to refine detection of cervical, colorectal and lung cancers

NCI awards $7.5 million for new cancer screening statistical coordination center
Public Health Sciences Division’s Ziding Feng, Bill Barlow co-lead nationwide PROSPR program to reduce deaths, health care costs for breast, colon, cervical cancers