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Un huevo de oro en la investigación sobre pandemias: la cartografía de las mutaciones en la hemaglutinina H5
Del laboratorio de Bloom, Departamento de Ciencias Básicas

Polygenic risk scores and prostate cancer
New research shows genetic risk scores could help distinguish who can cut back on ‘active surveillance’

Active surveillance shown to be an effective management strategy for prostate cancer patients
Study evaluated long-term outcomes of using active surveillance instead of immediate treatment with surgery or radiation

Good and surprising news finds germline mutations are rare in low-risk prostate cancer
From the Nelson Lab, part of the Human Biology and Public Health Sciences Divisions

Black men with early-stage prostate cancer can do active surveillance
New study using Canary PASS data shows African American men with low-risk disease can delay radical treatment just like white men

New support for active surveillance of prostate cancer
From the Etzioni Group, Public Health Sciences Division