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La estructura del cinetocoro de una levadura termófila, ¡por primera vez!
Del laboratorio Biggins, División de Ciencias Básicas

For the first time! Kinetochore architecture of a thermophilic yeast
From the Biggins lab, Basic Sciences Division

Cbf1 hace las veces de policía de tránsito transcripcional para equilibrar la función del centrómero
Del laboratorio Biggins, División de Ciencias Básicas

Cellular choke artist: Aurora B doesn’t perform well under pressure
From the Biggins Lab, Basic Sciences Division

Cbf1 plays transcriptional traffic cop to balance centromere function
From the Biggins lab, Basic Sciences Division

Mps1: A new referee in a game of cellular tug-of-war
From the Biggins Lab, Basic Sciences Division

Dr. Matthew Miller named Damon Runyon ‘Breakthrough Scientist’
Award follows Miller’s Damon Runyon postdoctoral fellowship, confers $100,000 in research funding

‘Every day something new’: Dr. Sue Biggins selected as HHMI investigator
Flexible support from the prestigious nonprofit will open new research doors

Research team clarifies the mechanics behind the first new cell cycle to be describe in more than two decades
Understanding the endocycle has implications for agriculture and medicine