Hutch News

Mechanical coupling helps microtubules coordinate chromosomal separation

Mechanical coupling helps microtubules coordinate chromosomal separation

From the Asbury lab, University of Washington and Biggins lab, Fred Hutch Basic Sciences Division, Cancer Consortium Cancer Basic Biology Program
Science SpotlightFebruary 21, 2024
Untangling the kinetochore

Untangling the kinetochore

Dr. Changkun Hu named Jane Coffin Childs – HHMI Fellow; Boosts research into critical and complex molecular machine
Hutch NewsNovember 29, 2023
The best kind of fishing expedition

The best kind of fishing expedition

From the Biggins Lab, Basic Sciences Division
Science SpotlightMay 24, 2023
Dr. Cameron Howard Lee named 2019 Helen Hay Whitney Fellow

Dr. Cameron Howard Lee named 2019 Helen Hay Whitney Fellow

Biggins Lab postdoc will look at relationship between protein production and key cell-cycle checkpoint
Hutch NewsNovember 26, 2018
Dr. Matthew Miller named Damon Runyon ‘Breakthrough Scientist’

Dr. Matthew Miller named Damon Runyon ‘Breakthrough Scientist’

Award follows Miller’s Damon Runyon postdoctoral fellowship, confers $100,000 in research funding
Hutch NewsFebruary 15, 2018
Fred Hutch researcher Sue Biggins awarded the Genetics Society of America’s Novitski Prize

Fred Hutch researcher Sue Biggins awarded the Genetics Society of America’s Novitski Prize

Award recognizes extraordinary level of creativity and intellectual ingenuity in solving significant problems in genetics research
News ReleasesJanuary 21, 2015
National Academy of Sciences honors Sue Biggins - Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

National Academy of Sciences honors Sue Biggins - Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

She is among 18 recognized for outstanding scientific achievements in a wide range of fields
News ReleasesJanuary 08, 2013