Hutch News

Social workers illustrate the Heart of the Hutch

Social workers illustrate the Heart of the Hutch

Hundreds of people keep Fred Hutch science and support services going. Here are some of their stories.
Hutch NewsApril 28, 2023
Health disparities may affect end-of-life experiences of minority blood cancer patients

Health disparities may affect end-of-life experiences of minority blood cancer patients

A new study finds ethnic and racial minorities with leukemia or lymphoma are more likely to die in hospital, receive aggressive care in last weeks of life than white patients
Hutch NewsDecember 11, 2017
Screening tool aims to better identify distressed patients

Screening tool aims to better identify distressed patients

Caring for patients doesn’t just mean physically; a new tool helps doctors find, and support, those struggling with depression and other forms of psychosocial distress
Hutch NewsFebruary 05, 2016
End-of-life decisions

End-of-life decisions

New study showing many terminal cancer patients receiving palliative chemotherapy die in the ICU highlights need for end-of-life discussions
Hutch NewsMarch 07, 2014
Tony Back: Palliative care leader honored by ACS

Tony Back: Palliative care leader honored by ACS

American Cancer Society honors SCCA oncologist’s innovative work to relieve suffering, improve quality of life and communication for cancer patients
Hutch NewsNovember 08, 2010