Results per Page:

Predicting bereavement outcomes of medical aid in dying
From the Loggers Lab, Clinical Research Division

Peripheral neuropathy: When having no pain is a big problem
Chemotherapy-induced nerve damage is common for cancer patients and difficult to treat

Assessment of willingness to provide medical aid in dying
From the Loggers and Shen labs, Clinical Research Division

Screening tool aims to better identify distressed patients
Caring for patients doesn’t just mean physically; a new tool helps doctors find, and support, those struggling with depression and other forms of psychosocial distress

How Seattle Cancer Care Alliance implemented state's Death with Dignity Act
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center's Elizabeth Trice Loggers details how SCCA program honors patients' wishes, voters' mandate; findings published April 11 in <em>The New England Journal of Medicine</em>

Health services researcher joins Clinical
Trice Loggers brings expertise in comparative effectiveness, palliative care