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Uncovering key factors influencing vaccination decisions for Hispanic children
From the Ko Group, Fred Hutch Public Health Sciences Division, and the University of Washington

Campeona de la ciencia y la justicia social
Una investigadora pionera en salud pública y de gran corazón, la Dra. Beti Thompson, se jubila después de más de 30 años de luchar por la equidad

A champion of science and social justice
Big-hearted Dr. Beti Thompson, pioneering public health researcher, retires after 30-plus years of fighting for equity

Healthy, affordable food hacks for holidays - and beyond
Public health studies show access to fruits and vegetables, nourishing recipes, nutritional nudges help us eat better for less

Fred Hutch, SCCA researchers receive Leaders in Health Care Awards - Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Honors from Seattle Business Magazine include Lifetime Achievement Award to Fred Hutch leader

Health Disparities Research Center launches new website
Response to a summer survey drove development of the site as a resource for information on Center research and events relating to underserved populations and cancer

Reducing cancer disparities in the Yakima Valley is the focus of a $4.29M five-year federal grant to the Hutchinson Center
Ongoing Hispanic health promotion project will expand to serve Franklin County