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Bone marrow transplant increases risk of cardiovascular disease and developing insulin resistance.
From Drs. Tyler Ketterl, Scott Baker and colleagues, Clinical Research Division

First Lady Jill Biden: ‘Your work will change and save lives’
MET-X research lab tour and Cancer Moonshot ‘listening session’ on survivorship and pediatric cancer highlight First Lady's visit to Fred Hutch

Best practices for cancer survivorship care in young adults
From Drs Syrjala and Baker, Clinical Research Division

Largest single-year drop in cancer death rates continues encouraging trend
Stat reflects decrease in deaths from top 4 cancers; masks lack of progress in others

Radiation dose and cancer risk after bone marrow transplant
High-dose radiation, younger age increase risk of developing subsequent cancer, new study finds

Cost of survival: Coping with treatment complications beyond the cure
Treatment complications can impact lives for years after cure but some cancers survivors are reluctant to reveal their pain

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Survivorship Program to lead nationwide study of young-adult cancer survivors
Research involves seven Livestrong sites and 3,000 former patients; goal is to improve long-term health outcomes

Reflections on Legacy for Life reunion
Former bone marrow transplant patients, family members, doctors, nurses and a few donors gathered for the weekend celebration of life five or more years post-tranplant

Focused on survivorship
Dr. Scott Baker, a pediatric oncologist, is the new director of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Survivorship Program