Results per Page:

Exploring the relationship between cancer survival and alcohol consumption
From Heffner research group, Public Health Sciences Division

Bone marrow transplant increases risk of cardiovascular disease and developing insulin resistance.
From Drs. Tyler Ketterl, Scott Baker and colleagues, Clinical Research Division

Best practices for cancer survivorship care in young adults
From Drs Syrjala and Baker, Clinical Research Division

Cognitive strategies for cancer survivors
The Cherrier and Gray Groups

Cannabis use in colorectal cancer survivors
The Newcomb Group, Division of Public Health Sciences

Tip Sheet: Cancer-busting broccoli sprout pills in space, trauma and healing among Indigenous people, how to boost HPV vaccinations
Summaries of recent Fred Hutch research findings and other news

The sexual aftermath of cancer treatment
From impotence to ‘chemopause’ to missing body parts, treatment side effects can mess with patients’ sex lives — why don’t we talk about it more?

'Every step was for them'
Over 1,200 climb the Space Needle to raise crucial research funds for Fred Hutch

Fertility after cancer: Young women less likely to be told about options
New study finds young male cancer patients twice as likely to be counseled on preserving fertility