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How to survive the holidays with cancer
Scientists, providers and patients offer tips on getting through the season after a diagnosis

Radiation dose and cancer risk after bone marrow transplant
High-dose radiation, younger age increase risk of developing subsequent cancer, new study finds

How to survive the holidays with cancer
Researchers and patients offer tips on getting through the season after a diagnosis

'Pinktober': What Breast Cancer Awareness Month means to patients
Some see it as invaluable for education and advocacy while others, including male breast cancer patients, may feel left out

The ‘cancer Olympics’: Why envy, rivalry exist among some patients
Survivors often compare their cancers — a normal yet potentially unhealthy exercise, experts say

‘Good cancer’? Views vary on a sunny phrase
Many patients and doctors refuse to apply the ‘g’ word to highly curable cancers, but some survivors draw hope from the ‘good’

Cost of survival: Coping with treatment complications beyond the cure
Treatment complications can impact lives for years after cure but some cancers survivors are reluctant to reveal their pain

What you should — and shouldn't — say to a breast cancer patient
Tips from the trenches on how to be supportive to a loved one in treatment

‘Finding their calling’: Cancer caregivers join larger cause after helping loved ones
Some family caregivers devote their lives to that larger work, shifting the health care landscape

Why some patients keep their cancer secret — and how oncologists guide them through that chosen seclusion
Why some patients don’t divulge their diagnoses — and how oncologists guide them through their chosen seclusion

Your post-cancer treatment sex Rx
Expert tips, tools and tricks to help you reboot your post-cancer body and rekindle intimacy after cancer treatment

The sexual aftermath of cancer treatment
From impotence to ‘chemopause’ to missing body parts, treatment side effects can mess with patients’ sex lives — why don’t we talk about it more?

How much does chemo impact fertility?
New study looks at how chemo affects childhood cancer survivors’ ability to have kids later in life

Storyteller recounts struggle with oral cancer
Eva Grayzel keynotes Hutch survivorship conference nearly two decades after cancer diagnosis

Your body, after cancer
Coming to terms with the 'new normal' after surgery and treatment

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Survivorship Program to lead nationwide study of young-adult cancer survivors
Research involves seven Livestrong sites and 3,000 former patients; goal is to improve long-term health outcomes

Healthy for the Holidays - 10 tips for cancer survivors
Survivorship programs offer resources and research for staying healthy year-round