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Celebrate safely: Scientists offer advice, urge vigilance during holidays
'Now is the time for delayed gratification' — so skip big gatherings and travel to prevent the spread of COVID-19

How to survive the holidays with cancer
Researchers and patients offer tips on getting through the season after a diagnosis

'Pinktober': What Breast Cancer Awareness Month means to patients
Some see it as invaluable for education and advocacy while others, including male breast cancer patients, may feel left out

Love in the time of cancer — three couples find romance despite disease
Getting dumped after diagnosis isn’t the only story out there; meet three couples who found romance despite disease

The ‘cancer Olympics’: Why envy, rivalry exist among some patients
Survivors often compare their cancers — a normal yet potentially unhealthy exercise, experts say

Your post-cancer treatment sex Rx
Expert tips, tools and tricks to help you reboot your post-cancer body and rekindle intimacy after cancer treatment

The sexual aftermath of cancer treatment
From impotence to ‘chemopause’ to missing body parts, treatment side effects can mess with patients’ sex lives — why don’t we talk about it more?

Dr. Marian Neuhouser takes office as president of the American Society for Nutrition
Celebrating faculty and staff achievements

New follow-up care guidelines released for breast cancer survivors
Two top cancer organizations join forces to issue 'invaluable resource' for patients, care providers

Healthy for the holidays: Tips for reducing stress and staying well throughout the season
Prioritize, know your trigger points, get enough shuteye and more advice from Fred Hutch

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Survivorship Program to lead nationwide study of young-adult cancer survivors
Research involves seven Livestrong sites and 3,000 former patients; goal is to improve long-term health outcomes

A ‘baker’s dozen’ for breast health: Tips for breast cancer prevention, screening, treatment and survivorship
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Healthy for the Holidays - 10 tips for cancer survivors
Survivorship programs offer resources and research for staying healthy year-round

Chemobrain: Most patients recover within five years
Karen Syrjala study finds while neurocognitive functions improve for most after bone marrow or stem cell transplantation, fine motor and memory deficits persist for many patients

Most patients recover from 'chemo-brain' by five years after marrow or stem cell transplant for cancer
However, fine-motor and memory deficits persist for some after five years

Ten New Year's resolutions for cancer survivors
Survivorship programs offer resources and research for staying healthy in the new year

10 tips for breast cancer survivors
No. 4 in a weekly series of tips during Breast Cancer Awareness Month

10 tips for breast cancer patients during treatment
No. 3 in a weekly series of tips during Breast Cancer Awareness Month

10 tips for breast cancer prevention
First in a weekly series of tips during National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Focused on survivorship
Dr. Scott Baker, a pediatric oncologist, is the new director of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Survivorship Program