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New methods reveal cancer mechanism in ancient genes
Fred Hutch researchers discover that overproduction of DNA packaging material predicts aggressive brain and breast tumors, which could lead to cheaper diagnostic tests and new drug therapies

Polycomb repressor proteins get trapped in a web of HSATII DNA upon DUX4 activation, leading to DNA damage
From the Tapscott Lab, Human Biology Division

Mellon, a single-cell analysis tool, identifies transitory cells and differentiation mechanisms
From the Setty Lab, Basic Sciences Division

Maxspin: a sensitive, quantitative method for identifying spatially varying genes
From the Newell Lab, Virology and Infectious Disease Division

Dr. Sita Kugel receives V Foundation Translational Research Award
Grant makes possible a clinical trial of targeted treatment for pancreatic cancer

A seesaw between transcription and translation restrains bladder carcinogenesis
From the Hsieh Lab, Human Biology Division

Cbf1 hace las veces de policía de tránsito transcripcional para equilibrar la función del centrómero
Del laboratorio Biggins, División de Ciencias Básicas

Cbf1 plays transcriptional traffic cop to balance centromere function
From the Biggins lab, Basic Sciences Division

New therapeutic strategy turns a cancer’s advantage into its downfall
In the lab, researchers use synthetic mRNA to trick tumors into manufacturing cancer-specific poison

Dr. Steven Hahn elected to American Academy of Microbiology
Revealed fundamental properties of molecular machinery that creates mRNA

Overlooked stretches of DNA could hide cancer-causing mutations
New cutting-edge technique sheds light on difficult-to-study DNA regions, potential drug targets

How a common cancer mutation actually drives cancer — and how to correct it
High-tech approach solves ‘real mystery’ in many cancers