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Low-fat diet reduces risk of breast cancer and subsequent death
Women’s Health Initiative study indicates benefit to low-fat, fruit and veggie-rich diet

How to eat: 6 simple tips from a nutrition researcher
Dr. Marian Neuhouser, who helped create the new U.S. Dietary Guidelines, shares how she eats – and how you should, too

Kale Tale: How a wild cabbage erupted into trendy ‘superfood’
An old process still catapults some basic eats from chow to chic, leaving nutritionists skeptical

WHO classifies red meat 'probably carcinogenic,' links it to higher colon cancer risk
7 key questions and answers that will help you understand latest findings on red and processed meats

The diet dilemma
In a landscape crowded with contenders that each promise better health, how do you choose the best eating plan?

Reducing Total Fat Intake May Lower Breast-Cancer Risk But Has Little Impact on Risk of Colon Cancer or Heart Disease
Women's Health Initiative study of nearly 50,000 postmenopausal women across the United States provides first solid data on health effects of a low-fat diet