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New study of Asian, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander populations gets $38.7M grant
Fred Hutch will act as coordinating center for large study of cardiovascular and other chronic diseases in overlooked populations

Do multivitamins and supplements like cocoa flavanols keep cancer, heart disease away?
Scientists drill down into crucial Women’s Health Initiative data to get definitive answers on whether supplement use improves our health

Fred Hutch eyes the future of weight loss
Successful pilot study uses acceptance and commitment phone therapy to help people lose weight; new $3.7M grant will launch full-scale trial

Exercise is medicine
Move your body for better health, especially before, during and after cancer treatment. Do whatever you can; it all helps (just don’t injure yourself!)

Top 10 tips to cut your cancer risk
Vegetables and exercise may not be glamorous, but they could save your life, expert report confirms

Science-based tips for making and keeping healthy New Year’s resolutions
Hit the road to good health in the new year with advice on diet, exercise, sleep and more from Fred Hutch experts

Big study finds no rise in death risk among women who took hormone therapy
A new twist to menopausal hormone replacement dilemma

Dr. Eric Chow receives three grants for research designed to improve health of childhood cancer survivors
Research focuses on reducing survivors' risk of treatment-related heart disease later in life

Former Wash. governor Christine Gregoire becomes Fred Hutch board chair
Christine Gregoire, former Washington governor and cancer survivor, continues her lifetime of advocating for others as Fred Hutch’s new board chair

We're getting a bit better at cheating death
New mortality study shows a drop in death rates for cancer and other major diseases — with one troubling exception: COPD

Can cocoa prevent heart disease
Fred Hutch participates in largest-ever study to find out

Women's Health Initiative’s landmark hormone replacement research 10 years after
Seminal study found significantly higher risk of heart disease, stroke, breast cancer from combined hormone replacement therapy; as a result, 15,000-20,000 fewer breast cancer cases each year

Low-glycemic-load foods may reduce inflammation in overweight adults
'Not all carbohydrates are created equal'; study led by Marian Neuhouser and Johanna Lampe finds a 'slow carb' diet may reduce heart disease, cancer risk

Moderate physical activity is critical for reducing the risk of chronic disease in men and women
Exercise melts intra-abdominal fat, a hidden risk for cancer, heart disease, diabetes

Reducing Total Fat Intake May Lower Breast-Cancer Risk But Has Little Impact on Risk of Colon Cancer or Heart Disease
Women's Health Initiative study of nearly 50,000 postmenopausal women across the United States provides first solid data on health effects of a low-fat diet

Many Scientists Believe that the Dog Genome Holds a Wealth of Information that Will Benefit Human Health
Recently completed genetic analysis reveals that half of the more than 300 inherited canine disorders — including a number of cancers — resemble specific diseases of man; many scientists believe that the dog genome holds a wealth of information that will benefit human health

Moderate Physical Activity is Critical for Reducing the Risk of Chronic Disease in Older Women
Exercise melts intra-abdominal fat, a hidden risk for cancer, heart disease, diabetes