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Not just the “what” but also the “how much” you eat matters
From the Nutrition and Physical Activity Assessment Study (NPAAS) Group, Public Health Sciences Division

Fred Hutch’s Dr. Ross Prentice retires
Longtime scientist and statistician contributed to Women’s Health Initiative, cancer prevention research and much more

Dietary self-reports may or may not usefully complement blood concentrations for micronutrients
From the Nutrition and Physical Activity Assessment Group

Are we doing diet and nutrition research wrong?
A Q&A with public health researcher Dr. Ross Prentice on how to assess and improve studies of diet and chronic disease

What's new in breast cancer research: #SABCS19 edition
Fred Hutch researchers share long-term follow-up data on WHI hormone study, anti-hormone side-effect strategies and more at San Antonio meeting

New study confirms the long-term benefits of a low-fat diet
Findings in Journal of Nutrition show positive outcomes for cancer and other diseases in women

Landmark scientific paper turns 40
First unequivocal proof in humans of immune cells’ cancer-curing power laid the groundwork for cancer immunotherapy, modern bone marrow transplantation

Blood micronutrients as biomarkers for major diseases
From the Nutrition and Physical Activity Assessment group, Public Health Sciences Divisions

Dietary modification puts the brakes on diabetes progression
From the WHI Clinical Coordinating Center, Public Health Sciences Division

Good News: Drs. Grzelak, Anderson get Komen awards; Infectious Disease Sciences earns training grant; Drs. Bloom, Matsen named HHMI-Simons Faculty Scholars
Celebrating faculty and staff achievements

Good News at Fred Hutch
Celebrating faculty and staff achievements

Low-fat diet reduces risk of breast cancer and subsequent death
Women’s Health Initiative study indicates benefit to low-fat, fruit and veggie-rich diet

New genetics study in metastatic prostate cancer aims to advance precision medicine
Dr. Peter Nelson to lead $1M study funded by Movember Foundation, Prostate Cancer Foundation

The value of the combined hormone therapy trial, weighed in lives saved, billions of dollars
The landmark study that prompted millions of women to stop taking combined hormone therapy resulted in $37.1 billion net economic return, thousands of lives saved, a new study finds

Alcohol increases risk of some breast cancers
Li, Prentice study finds alcohol use more strongly related to risk of lobular cancer and hormone receptor-positive cancer

McIntosh to head Computational Biology
Longtime proteomics researcher takes reins of expanding Herbold Computational Biology Program

Reducing Total Fat Intake May Lower Breast-Cancer Risk But Has Little Impact on Risk of Colon Cancer or Heart Disease
Women's Health Initiative study of nearly 50,000 postmenopausal women across the United States provides first solid data on health effects of a low-fat diet