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Cancer and the LGBTQ+ community
From structural barriers and binary patient forms to gendered diseases, ‘queer cancer’ can be fraught with bias and bad assumptions

Your post-cancer treatment sex Rx
Expert tips, tools and tricks to help you reboot your post-cancer body and rekindle intimacy after cancer treatment

The sexual aftermath of cancer treatment
From impotence to ‘chemopause’ to missing body parts, treatment side effects can mess with patients’ sex lives — why don’t we talk about it more?

Being pregnant — and diagnosed with cancer
Inaugural retreat explores painful issues, unanswered questions surrounding cancer, fertility and pregnancy

How much does chemo impact fertility?
New study looks at how chemo affects childhood cancer survivors’ ability to have kids later in life

Fertility after cancer: Young women less likely to be told about options
New study finds young male cancer patients twice as likely to be counseled on preserving fertility

Your body, after cancer
Coming to terms with the 'new normal' after surgery and treatment

New hope for preserving fertility during breast cancer treatment
A medication that temporarily shuts down ovaries may offer women another option, new research shows

Preserving intimacy after prostate cancer
Sexual relationships can take a hit after treatment, a recent study shows, but a survivor and experts offer their tips on keeping intimacy alive