Hutch News

Oral Shedding: A Kaposi Sarcoma Mystery

Oral Shedding: A Kaposi Sarcoma Mystery

From the Schiffer Lab, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division and Clinical Research Division
Science SpotlightDecember 19, 2024
Herpes cure with gene editing makes progress in laboratory studies

Herpes cure with gene editing makes progress in laboratory studies

Fred Hutch virologists eliminated at least 90% of HSV-1 in preclinical models of oral and genital herpes and reduced viral shedding in a study published in Nature Communications
News ReleasesMay 13, 2024
Sequence diversity in cancer-causing viruses

Sequence diversity in cancer-causing viruses

From the Mullins lab, University of Washington and the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division
Science SpotlightFebruary 15, 2021
New gene therapy approach eliminates at least 90% latent herpes simplex virus 1

New gene therapy approach eliminates at least 90% latent herpes simplex virus 1

In Nature Communications, Fred Hutch scientists demonstrate in a mouse model how gene therapy could cure an infection that afflicts billions of people
News ReleasesAugust 18, 2020
Fred Hutch scientists identify new nerve growth factor

Fred Hutch scientists identify new nerve growth factor

A surprising discovery in a herpes lab points to new treatments for nerve damage
News ReleasesJune 29, 2017