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O-MAPping the cell for a spatial understanding of basic biology
From the Cancer Consortium Shechner lab, Department of Pharmacology, University of Washington

Cell free DNA profiling may unlock the key to studying small cell lung cancer
MacPherson and Ha Labs in the Division of Human Biology

Secrets learned from sequencing the bacterium that causes syphilis
From the Greninger Lab, UW Virology

SARS-CoV-2 mutations associated with COVID-19 related hospitalizations
From the Quantitative Genetic Epidemiology Group, Jerome Lab, and Geraghty Lab. A collaboration between the Clinical Research, Public Health Sciences, and Vaccine and Infectious Disease Divisions.

Taking the shortcut to frontline treatment
From Dr. Schmitt and the Radich lab, Clinical Research Division

Deciphering tumor diversity at the single cell level
from the Radich lab, Clinical Research Division

Good News: Drs. Grzelak, Anderson get Komen awards; Infectious Disease Sciences earns training grant; Drs. Bloom, Matsen named HHMI-Simons Faculty Scholars
Celebrating faculty and staff achievements

Mapping uncharted pieces of the human genome
Study sheds light on genomic ‘black holes,’ uncovers DNA information essential for all human life

Geneticist and inventor Steven Henikoff named AAAS Fellow - Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
He is a researcher in the Hutchinson Center’s Basic Sciences Division

Dr. Muneesh Tewari wins $450,000 Damon Runyon award
Human Biology researcher focuses on microRNAs made by tumor cells as potential early detection targets