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Good News: Bricker resolution tips, vote for Open Science Prize, 425 Magazine salute to HIV research
Celebrating faculty and staff achievements

SmartQuit 2.0 app helps twice as many smokers cut habit: study
Smoking-cessation app developed via Fred Hutch research also helped three quarters of trial users reduce smoking habit

Fitness trackers don’t improve weight loss, study finds
Participants who added ‘wearables’ to diet and exercise plans actually lost fewer pounds than those who stuck with traditional tactics

Good News: first Hutch United fellowships awarded; Dr. Soheil Meshinchi receives $500K AML grant
Celebrating faculty and staff achievements

NCI funds $3.1M Fred Hutch clinical trial of a smoking-cessation smartphone app
First such study to compare effectiveness of quit-smoking programs delivered via mobile apps

Good News at Fred Hutch
<p>Dr. Aude Chapuis named Damon Runyon Clinical Investigator; Dr. Jonathan Bricker receives $3.1M NCI grant to test quit-smoking smartphone app; Dr. Hans-Peter Kiem appointed chair of NIH Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee; Dr. Julie Overbaugh receives award from Association for Women in Science</p>

Adult daily smokers needed for study quit-smoking iPhone app - Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Participants in the free Smart Quit study will receive tools to help them quit – and stay quit