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When thymoma spread near his spine, a young engineer from Egypt opted for proton therapy at Fred Hutch
Proton therapy was a critical part of treatment for a recurring tumor

Why do our immune systems wane with age? Impaired thymus archiTECture might be one culprit.
From The Dudakov Lab, Translational Science and Therapeutics Division

‘Black hole’ formed by aging cells hobbles key immune organ’s function, regeneration
Collaborative project reveals non-functional cells that accumulate in aging thymus

Duel to the death: a metabolic switch underlies thymus regeneration
From the Dudakov Lab, Clinical Research Division

How zinc boosts the immune system
In mice, mineral improves regeneration of key immune organ and immune-cell recovery after bone marrow transplant

Repairing the damage: regeneration of the mouse thymus
From the Dudakov Lab, Clinical Research Division

Scientists boost immune function in mice by mimicking natural renewal processes
New study identifies molecular players in ‘dead man’s switch’ that triggers key immune organ’s regeneration after damage

Tip Sheet: Looking ahead to 2021, COVID-19 vaccines, improving health outcomes — and more
Summaries of recent Fred Hutch research findings and other news

Repair of key immune organ triggered by change in how immune cells die
Scientists learn how dying T cells promote regrowth of thymus

Fred Hutch Evergreen Fund awards six grants to promising projects
Scientists receive up to $200K to boost research for projects deemed to have partnership potential

Fred Hutch at ASH: Combo CAR T-cell therapies, long-term outcomes for CAR T patients, early findings on a CAR T for multiple myeloma, gene therapy for sickle cell, and T cells and the microbiome
The 60th American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting will take place Dec. 1–4 in San Diego

How the immune system’s key organ regenerates itself
Watch: Hutch researcher discusses harnessing the thymus’s knack for self-repair to boost immune function and help patients