Results per Page:

Menopausal hormone therapy may lower the risk of colorectal cancer
From the Peters and Hsu Groups, Cancer Consortium & Public Health Sciences Division

Investigating the mechanisms of genitourinary syndrome of menopause
From the Fredricks lab, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division, and Massachusetts General Hospital

Exploring the post-menopausal vaginal ecosystem
From the Fredricks Lab, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division

Big study finds no rise in death risk among women who took hormone therapy
A new twist to menopausal hormone replacement dilemma

Good News: Researchers create a 'Rosetta Stone' to decode immune recognition
Celebrating faculty and staff achievements

Telephone-based cognitive behavioral therapy significantly improves menopause symptoms
Simple intervention reduces insomnia and helps with hot flashes

Better help for menopausal women
$7 million study focuses on best treatments for vaginal symptoms

Better help for menopausal women
New study focuses on best treatments for vaginal symptoms

Surprise benefit of young kids: they may help ease hot flashes
Some menopausal women had fewer symptoms if they had kids under 13 at home, study shows

Fred Hutch researchers tackle hot flashes
New study finds antidepressant nearly as effective as low-dose estrogen for cutting back hot flash frequency

Estrogen? Antidepressants? Black cohosh?
Fred Hutch researchers offer guidance to women facing the menopause muddle

Hot flashes may signal breast cancer protection
Chris Li and colleagues find the more frequent and severe the menopausal symptoms, the lower the cancer risk

Hot flashes and other menopause symptoms are associated with a significant reduction in the risk of breast cancer
The more frequent and severe the hot flashes, the lower the cancer risk

Use of antidepressant associated with hot flash reduction
Antidepressant escitalopram may provide a viable nonhormonal alternative to relieving menopausal hot flashes

10 tips for breast cancer patients during treatment
No. 3 in a weekly series of tips during Breast Cancer Awareness Month

TRT treatment for male menopause
Researchers find prostate gland may be capable of buffering negative effects of testosterone-replacement therapy