Hutch News

Investigating the mechanisms of genitourinary syndrome of menopause

Investigating the mechanisms of genitourinary syndrome of menopause

From the Fredricks lab, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division, and Massachusetts General Hospital
Science SpotlightApril 19, 2021
Better help for menopausal women

Better help for menopausal women

$7 million study focuses on best treatments for vaginal symptoms
News ReleasesNovember 05, 2015
Hot flashes may signal breast cancer protection

Hot flashes may signal breast cancer protection

Chris Li and colleagues find the more frequent and severe the menopausal symptoms, the lower the cancer risk
Hutch NewsFebruary 01, 2011
Use of antidepressant associated with hot flash reduction

Use of antidepressant associated with hot flash reduction

Antidepressant escitalopram may provide a viable nonhormonal alternative to relieving menopausal hot flashes
Hutch NewsJanuary 25, 2011
TRT treatment for male menopause

TRT treatment for male menopause

Researchers find prostate gland may be capable of buffering negative effects of testosterone-replacement therapy
Hutch NewsJanuary 01, 2007