Hutch News

When antibodies become anti-body

When antibodies become anti-body

From the Houghton and Lampe labs, Clinical Research and Public Health Sciences Divisions
Science SpotlightFebruary 20, 2023
Neutrophils disguise tumors by synthesizing and secreting arginase

Neutrophils disguise tumors by synthesizing and secreting arginase

From the Houghton lab and collaborating Randolph lab, Clinical Research and Public Health Sciences Divisions
Science SpotlightDecember 19, 2022
'Keeping these out of the hands of adolescents is critical'

'Keeping these out of the hands of adolescents is critical'

Fred Hutch lung cancer expert testifies as Washington state weighs flavored vaping ban
Hutch NewsNovember 21, 2019
A blood test for lung cancer

A blood test for lung cancer

From the Houghton Laboratory, Clinical Research Division
Science SpotlightJanuary 21, 2019